The Ultimate Dorm Welcoming System
- Motion sensor detects person approaching the door, resulting in a warm welcome from the system (“Greetings, please enter the passcode for room 216, Kingdom of Rana and Misikir”).
- User must perform the correct hand motion "password" to enter (place hand close to the sensor, then 2 feet away, then close to the sensor).
- The correct password results in a motor turning 180 degrees, pulling down a rope connected to the locked door’s handle.
- Once the door is pushed open, another motion sensor activates speakers playing welcoming music.

- LED lights connected to a sound sensor blink to the beat of the song.
- Caveat: Due to the fact that we couldn't use screws to hold parts in place against the door (unless we wanted a massive fine), we resorted to using an ungodly amount of duct tape.
Built with Ion, Jay, and Molly for our Things About Stuff final. Watch our promotional video below.